
Treknology Institute

Welcome to Nexus Treknology Institute. Here you will find some of the best works of Treknology around, including the best Treknology sources in the net.

(I'm not quite done here! Pardon any missing links!)

Dean Joshua Bell
Mr.Bell, the acknowledged expert in Treknology, also acts as keeper of all USENET newsgroup rec.arts.startrek.tech 's FAQ's, most of which he wrote himself. Papers in his archives includes:
Chief Astrophysicist J. Hinson
J. Hinson is the only one who actually came up with a complete scientific analysis of faster-than-light travel, its implications (including causality violation), and a way of getting around the problem legally. His works includes:
Professor Kasey Chang
Kasey Chang, who is also a Star Trek historian, has written several papers on the subject of Treknology, including